We have been in business since 1990.

We have quite a few distributors that we work with in order so you can choose the right materials for your job. We will give our opinions to you about materials but we always try to use the materials the customer wants.

We have quick scheduling so that the home owner does not have to wait a long time on their projects. We can’t control the material delivery process but we try to get to every job in a very timely manner.

Our usual methods of payment are check or cash. We do offer credit card purchases in person only and their is a fee involved with the credit card transaction.

We offer call us and text us buttons on the top of every page to contact us.

All work that we do does increase your homes value.

We do offer assistance in project design. But it is ultimately up to the home owner to decide what is right for their home and budget.

We are located in Johnson City, TN. But we do service Kingsport, Bristol, Elizabethton, Erwin, and the Greeneville areas.

Metal roofs are amazing. They offer premium protection to the elements, a wide variety of colors that can be seen in our visualizer, and often help with home insurance.

Shingles have come a long way also in the last few years. They are limited lifetime shingles now that come standard with the architectual shingle lines. So which ever you choose you can’t go wrong and often it is a personal preference that makes the decision for you.

We do not use sub contractors. You will not have a salesman come out and sell you a job and the next time you see him is when it is time to collect the check for the job. You will have the owner on every job to assure that your wants are being translated to the crew. So you don’t have to pay a middle man and you don’t have to worry about what you talked about with the salesman getting lost on a piece of paper.

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